• AgriBusiness

    Farm & City Luncheon will take place at the Mill in Waseca on Thursday March 20th 2024 at 11:45am.


    FarmCity color 


     Chamber AgriBusiness Committee

    The Waseca Area Chamber AgriBusiness Committee maintains a liaison with area lenders, farmers, ag-advisors, University scientists, and other agricultural leaders. Their primary mission is to enhance communication and facilitate awareness of agricultural issues between rural and urban residents in the Waseca area. The AgriBusiness Committee lends support in developing initiatives that assist the growth of the agriculture business sector in our region:

    • Farm and City Recognition Event held each March 
    • Supports the Taste of the Farm event, held each June, and promotion of many other area agricultural events
    • Waseca County Distinguished Agricultural Leadership and Outstanding Young Farmer Awards.
    • Supports Farm Camp Minnesota, children entering grades 3, 4, 5 and 6, held each August at Farmamerica.
    • Supports local FFA Chapter, Waseca FFA Alumni Association, and Ag Education programs
    • Supports Farmamerica
    • Supports Ag in the classroom
    • Supports Vision 2030
    • Supports GreenSeam
    • Supports AURI and SROC

    Agriculture is recognized as making a difference in Waseca, Minnesota and broader America.  As high school students enrolled in agriculture courses graduate, they are prepared to enter fields such as grain and livestock farming, agricultural lending, agronomy, agricultural sales, veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and forestry, just to name a few. For more information on the Waseca Schools Agricultural Education program please contact Hannah Eckblad (FFA) Dept Chair at eckh@waseca.k12.mn.us

    Active AgriBusiness Committee Members:

    •  Jamie Beckstrand-United Prairie Bank-Chair 
    • Adam Knewtson-Full Sail CRE at Keller Williams-Vice Chair 
    • Ed Frederick-Retired
    • Sue & Greg Harguth-Farmers
    • Gyles Randall-Retired
    • Heath Miller-Minnwest Bank
    • Mark Sharf-Compeer Financial 
    • Vicky & Scott Singlestad-Farmers
    • Kari Wadd-Farmamerica 
    • Jeff Huelsnitz-Pioneer Seed & Precision Planning 
    • Ashley Harguth-AURI
    • Tina Wilson- Waseca County


    The Committee meets on the first Thursday of each month from September-May. From time to time, ag-industry leaders update the committee on issues occurring in their industry and how they may affect local agriculture. Anyone interested in these ag-focused meetings is encouraged to join us, simply call the Chamber at 835-3260.


    Farm and City Recognition Event

    The Waseca Area Chamber of Commerce AgriBusiness Committee hosts the Farm and City Recognition Event annually in March, highlighting the role of agriculture between rural and urban folks. The AgriBusiness initiative - Active volunteers working together to advance the relationships between farm and community businesses.

    Recognition of Agriculture Awards: U of MN Extension Award Waseca County Farm Family of the Year; Waseca County Outstanding Young Farmer; Waseca County Distinguished Agricultural Leadership Award - Senior, Active and Posthumous award (active category awarded at the annual Community Awards Event).

    Now taking nominations for the 2025 Waseca County Distinguished Alricultral Leadership Award for both Active, Senior Active and Posthumous.  Click here for the link to the application.  or  Click here for the fillable application. 

    Agricultural Heritage

    The area boasts a wide diversity in the types of farms, dairy producers, hog farmers, corn and soybean growers and tillers of the soil are leaders in productivity and environmental stewardship.

    In the Waseca area we find a leading agricultural research institutions, as well as the state’s agricultural interpretive center, Farmamerica.  There is also Birds Eye - Pinnacle Foods, one of the country’s top frozen vegetable producers, and a manufacturer of specialty dairy food ingredients, All American Foods. One of the largest Ethanol plants, Guardian Energy, is just down the road west on highway 14.

    The University of Minnesota’s Southern Research and Outreach Center (SROC) is an integral part of the University of Minnesota’s College of Food, Agricultural and Natural Resource Sciences.  Research at the SROC is conducted in the following areas: agronomy, soil science, horticulture, entomology, plant pathology, agricultural drainage, climatology, swine production, and raising replacement heifers for dairy farms. The SROC is a research and outreach station with a world class reputation, and entertains visitors from all over the globe.  Learn more at  www.sroc.cfans.umn.edu

    Located in Waseca, Agricultural Utilization Research Institute (AURI) was created and funded by the Minnesota legislature to foster long-term economic benefit through increased business and employment opportunities in Minnesota through:

    • Research and development of innovative uses or value improvements for Minnesota agriculture commodities and products.
    • The development of renewable energy and bio-based opportunities from Minnesota agricultural commodities and co-products.

    AURI is committed to finding new uses for traditional, unexplored or overlooked agricultural resources. Through sciences and technology they develop new uses for agriculture commodities and partner with businesses and entrepreneurs to bring ideas to reality resulting in tangible economic benefits and creating wealth for our communities. Through their work they expand both markets and product viability.  Learn more at www.auri.org

    Farmamerica, Agricultural Interpretive Center

    The Minnesota Agricultural Interpretive Center was established by the Minnesota legislature in 1978 to preserve the state's rich agricultural heritage.  It is a 360-acre site which includes an impressive Visitor Center.  The primary focus has always been education.  Their mission is to create opportunities for all to learn the continuing story of Minnesota agriculture and its role in providing food, fiber and energy to the people of Minnesota and the world.  Farmamerica is located at 7367 360th Ave, Waseca, MN  56093.  Learn more at www.farmamerica.org 

    Greater Mankato Growth along with hundreds of businesses and professionals rooted in agriculture from across the region have been working since 2013 to strategically build on and connect the region’s extensive agricultural business assets in order to develop and position this region to now be known nationally and internationally as the place for talent, business, innovation and education in relation to agriculture. Agriculture is currently the largest business industry segment within this region with more than $15.3 billion in sales annually. Spanning an economic continuum from production, processing, manufacturing, professional services, research, technology, education, transportation and more; a majority of businesses in the region are either part of ag’s value stream or indirectly impacted. The region boasts an extensive list of ag business concentration and industry dominance amounting to nearly 1,000 ag related businesses. For more information on the GreenSeam initiative www.GreenSeam.org