Lunch and Learn
About the Lunch & Learn Events:
Who can attend?
Although this event is geared towards Chamber Members, we do invite non-Chamber members to attend as well!
What does it cost?
The cost is free for Chamber Members, for Non-Chamber members there will be small fee for lunch.
What does the cost include?
The cost includes lunch, a presentation and/or hands-on activity and networking!
What's for lunch?
The lunch provided for each event varies. We cater lunch from a different restaurant that's a current Chamber Member. Please let us know ahead of the event if you have any dietary restrictions (i.e. gluten free, vegetarian).
Where's the event held?
The location of the event will vary each time. We will choose a venue based off what the topic is and availability.
How do you pick a topic for each event?
The Chamber will decide on a topic each time based off ideas and suggestions brought forth from our Chamber members!