• Birds Eye Foods / Conagra


    Manufacturing & Production

    About Us

    Our Company

    Birds Eye Foods® is a nationally recognized food company with familiar brands in the frozen aisle including Birds Eye®, Birds Eye Steamfresh®, Birds Eye Voila!®, Freshlike®, C&W® (California & Washington) and McKenzie's®. Other products marketed regionally by Birds Eye Foods include Comstock® and Wilderness® delicious pie fillings and toppings; Nalley® and Brooks® chili and chili ingredients; Bernstein's® and Nalley® salad dressings; snacks from Tim's Cascade Snacks®, Snyder of Berlin® and Husman®, and Birds Eye Fresh®, a premium line of fresh vegetables.

    Healthy Living

    Vegetables supply us with natural energy and nutrients we can't get from other foods. These nutrients are important to a healthful daily diet.

    * Contain naturally high levels of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants
    * Contain nutrients like folate, potassium, carotenoids and other phytochemicals that may reduce the risk for cardiovascular disease and other diet-related diseases
    * Help to reduce the intake of saturated fat and cholesterol
    * Add variety, texture and color to meals

    More benefits!
    * Naturally low in calories, fat and sodium
    * High in fiber
    * Naturally gluten-free

    Birds Eye makes it easy to consume the recommended daily amount of vegetables through creative meal solutions. Enjoy the simplicity and quality of our frozen food!